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Navigating Mental Health in Uncertain Times

Navigating Mental Health in Uncertain Times

The world feels heavy right now. If you’re feeling exhausted, anxious, or just plain overwhelmed, you’re not alone. As a therapist, I’ve been having more and more conversations with clients about how the current political and social climate is affecting their mental health. People are scared. People are angry. People are feeling helpless and hopeless. And it’s taking a real toll. 

Regardless of where you land on the political spectrum, these past years have been marked by division, uncertainty, and a seemingly endless cycle of bad news. If you’re feeling mentally and emotionally drained, that’s a valid response to everything happening around you. So, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about why this moment in history is so challenging for our mental health and, more importantly, what we can do about it. 

Why This Political Climate Feels So Personal

One of the biggest things I hear from clients is how personal politics feel right now. And that’s because, for many people, they are personal. We’re not just debating abstract policies; we’re talking about fundamental human rights, bodily autonomy, safety, and the future of democracy itself. Many marginalized groups are watching policies unfold that directly impact their lives, and that’s terrifying. 

When we feel like our rights, safety, or values are being threatened, our nervous system responds accordingly. That’s why you might be experiencing symptoms like: 

  • Increased anxiety or panic attacks 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Feeling constantly on edge or irritable 
  • Exhaustion and burnout 
  • A sense of hopelessness or despair 

This isn’t just political fatigue – it’s a real, visceral stress response. And it makes sense. Our bodies are wired to react to perceived threats, and right now, those threats feel relentless. 

The Impact of Chronic Stress and Political Anxiety

Chronic stress—especially when it’s tied to ongoing societal issues—can lead to serious mental and physical health consequences. Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight mode can contribute to: 

  • Increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders 
  • Physical health issues like high blood pressure and weakened immune function 
  • Emotional numbness or dissociation as a way to cope 
  • Relationship strains due to heightened emotional reactivity 

Many people I work with feel like they have to stay constantly informed, engaged, and outraged to be “doing enough.” But let’s be real – burning yourself out doesn’t make you a better activist or a more informed citizen. It just makes you exhausted and unable to function. 

How to Protect Your Mental Health Without Checking Out

So, what do we do? How do we stay engaged with the world while also protecting our mental and emotional well-being? Here are a few strategies I share with my clients: 

  1. Set Boundaries with the News and Social Media

Yes, staying informed is important. But doomscrolling for hours before bed? Not so much. Try setting specific times of day to check the news rather than letting it consume your entire day. Maybe you read a trusted source in the morning and then unplug until later in the evening. It’s okay to step away. 

  1. Channel Your Anxiety into Action

Feeling helpless is one of the hardest parts of political stress. One of the best ways to counter that feeling? Take action. That might look like: 

  • Volunteering for an organization that aligns with your values 
  • Donating (if you’re financially able) to causes you care about 
  • Attending local government meetings or protests 
  • Having conversations with family and friends about issues that matter 

Even small actions can help you feel more empowered and less like you’re just watching everything unfold with no control. 

  1. Prioritize Rest and Joy

It can feel almost wrong to experience joy when so much suffering is happening in the world. But here’s the thing – burning yourself out doesn’t help anyone. Rest is not a betrayal of your values. Taking time to do things that bring you joy – reading a book, being in nature, spending time with loved ones, or watching trashy reality TV – is essential for sustaining yourself long-term. 

  1. Lean on Your Community

You don’t have to navigate this alone. Whether it’s a therapist, a support group, or just a friend who “gets it,” connecting with others who share your values and concerns can be incredibly grounding. Isolation makes stress worse; community makes it more bearable. 

  1. Recognize When You Need Extra Support

If you’re feeling struggling, please reach out for help. Therapy can be a space to process, grieve, and figure out how to keep moving forward. You don’t have to carry this alone. 

Finding Hope Amid Uncertainty

I know it’s easy to feel like everything is spiraling, like nothing will ever get better. But history has shown us time and time again that change is possible. Movements have risen from trying times before. People have come together to fight for justice, for safety, for a better future. And that’s still happening today. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, please remember, your mental health matters. You are not weak for needing rest. You are not selfish for setting boundaries. You are not alone in your fears. Take care of yourself. We need you here, not just for the fight, but for the future you’re helping to create. 

Want More Support? If you’re struggling with political stress and want to talk, therapy can help. Whether it’s with me or another therapist, you deserve a space to process everything that’s happening. You’re not in this alone. 

The Five Types of Intimacy

When couples come to see me for relationship counseling, they often say they’re struggling with “intimacy.” Most of the time, they mean sex. But intimacy is so much more than the sexual connection we share with a partner (or partners). It’s built through countless small moments across all kinds of relationships—romantic or otherwise. Let’s dive into the five key types of intimacy and why they’re essential (or not!) for deepening connection in your relationships.

    1. Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is not sexual intimacy! Physical intimacy is all the ways we engage in physical touch that don’t involve or lead to sex. Think about holding hands, hugging, massages, kisses, resting a hand on the small of someone’s back, your feet touching under the table, or brushing against each other when sitting side by side. If you’re feeling disconnected in your relationship, ask yourself: How often do I touch my partner without the intention of sex? 

Touch is essential in a healthy, secure relationship. Non-sexual touch builds safety, security, trust, and connection in relationships. Cheryl Fraser, PhD, has written and researched on the importance of non-sexual touch. She teaches couples in her Become Passion classes that there are three 3 “keys to passion:” 

      1. Three-Breath Hugs: Hug your partner and breathe deeply together for three breaths. Hugs are a powerful tool for calming the vagus nerve, which helps regulate your body’s stress response. 
      2. Naked Bedtime Cuddles: Just as skin-to-skin contact is vital for newborns, it’s equally important for adults. Snuggling naked—without the expectation of sex—builds comfort and emotional safety. 
      3. Holding Hands: Something as simple as holding hands for as long as possible can strengthen your bond. 

These small acts of physical intimacy may seem insignificant, but they have a profound impact on creating a secure, connected partnership. 


    1. Sexual Intimacy

Sexual intimacy refers to all the ways we engage in sexual activity, including foreplay and arousal. Sex is deeply personal and varies widely from person to person. What feels like sex to one person might not feel the same to another. (Remember when a certain U.S. president claimed he “did not have sexual relations with that woman”? It made many of us stop and ask: What even counts as sex?) 

The definition of sex is something to explore together. Ask your partner questions like: 

      • “What does sex mean to you?”
      • “What do you enjoy most about sexual intimacy?”

While sexual intimacy is central for some, it’s not a necessity for everyone. Asexuality, for example, exists on its own spectrum, ranging from “sex-averse” to “sex-neutral.” Many loving, intimate relationships thrive without sexual intimacy. 

For those who want to nurture or rebuild sexual intimacy, consulting a sex therapist can be transformative. Sex therapists are trained to help individuals and couples understand and embrace their sexuality through tailored interventions, exercises, and open conversations. We work hard to stay educated on kink, BDSM, sexual minorities, non-traditional relationships, and more so we can compassionately and respectfully help our clients and meet them where they’re at. We’ve heard it all and if you think you’re going to surprise us, you’re probably not. 

    1. Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy asks: 

      • Do I feel safe sharing my feelings with my partner(s)?
      • Can I trust them with my vulnerability?
      • Am I a safe space for their emotions, too?

True emotional intimacy is reciprocal. It requires both authenticity and the willingness to hold space for one another’s feelings. In my practice, I’ve often observed that when emotional intimacy is lacking, physical and sexual intimacy suffer as well. 

To foster emotional intimacy, start by building it within yourself. This means: 

      • Recognizing and naming your emotions. 
      • Understanding the ways your body expresses those emotions. 
      • Practicing mindfulness to stay present. 
      • Journaling or seeking a trusted confidant to help you process your experiences. 

In a relationship, emotional intimacy grows through storytelling, curiosity, honesty, and shared experiences. Also, consider working together on projects, housework, volunteering, learning a new skill together, or (and maybe especially) being really terrible at something together. Whether you’re laughing at an inside joke or supporting each other during tough times, these moments weave the fabric of emotional connection. 

    1. Intellectual Intimacy

Intellectual intimacy thrives on curiosity, attentiveness, and shared excitement. It’s about being engaged in each other’s passions, even if you don’t share the same interests. Intellectual intimacy is an essential part of secure attachment in any kind of relationship – romantic, familial, platonic, etc. 

For example, one of my children, a math and computer wizard, once showed me a complex equation he’d written. While I couldn’t follow it at all, I stayed curious and celebrated his enthusiasm. His excitement became my excitement. 

This concept is what John and Julie Gottman, renowned relationship researchers, call “bids for connection.” Every time someone shares something they’re excited about, they’re offering a chance to connect. Intellectual intimacy is built when we respond to these bids with genuine curiosity and attention. 

To nurture intellectual intimacy, pay attention when your partner shares something. Ask questions, celebrate their enthusiasm, and stay present in their world, even if it’s outside your own interests. 

    1. Spiritual Intimacy

Spiritual intimacy is a bonus type of intimacy—it’s not essential for everyone, but it’s deeply meaningful for those who value spirituality or religion in their lives. It involves sharing and respecting each other’s beliefs, practices, and views on life, death, morality, and the meaning of existence. 

I’ve worked with countless people navigating relationships where spiritual beliefs differ. What I’ve seen is this: When there’s mutual respect and curiosity, spiritual intimacy can become one of the strongest bonds in a relationship. Without it, the relationship may struggle to feel truly secure. 

If spirituality is important to you, explore ways to share it with your partner. Whether it’s meditating together, discussing ethical dilemmas, or attending religious services, spiritual intimacy grows when both parties feel honored and respected. 

Final Thoughts 

Each type of intimacy plays a unique role in creating secure, loving relationships. While some types may matter more to you than others, nurturing multiple forms of intimacy can create deeper connections, foster trust, and bring joy into your relationships. 

What type of intimacy do you want to focus on in your relationships? Start small—one moment of connection at a time—and watch your relationships flourish. 

People Who Say No Are Safe People: Why Boundaries Make Relationships Better

Why We Need Boundaries (Yes, Even YOU) 

Ever invited a friend for a last-minute coffee or karaoke session, only to hear a polite but firm ‘no’? Ouch. It feels like rejection, doesn’t it? But here’s the truth: their ‘no’ isn’t about rejecting you—it’s about honoring their boundaries. Rejection is tough, whether if it’s someone we just met or a friend we’ve known for ages. But the rejection of a declined invitation, the “no” of “Do you have time for this?”, or even the cutting short of time together are not rejection! These are all ways that we and others manage our boundaries. Boundaries are essential for healthy relationships! Both in the setting of them and in respecting them. Hearing “no” from someone is actually a relationship green flag and a sign of emotional safety. 

Let’s start with an unpopular truth: boundaries are not mean. Boundaries are not rude. Boundaries are not personal. In fact, boundaries are one of the most loving, honest, and trust-building things we can offer each other. 

So, why do they feel so hard—whether we’re setting them or hearing them? 

We are going to talk about why boundaries matter, how to set your own, and (deep breath) how to handle it when someone else tells you “no.”  

Spoiler alert: people who say no are safe people. 

What Boundaries Are (and What They Aren’t) 

At their most evolved point, boundaries are the point at which I am able to love, honor, respect, and celebrate YOU, while doing the same for ME. Boundaries are the invisible rules we set to protect our energy, time, and emotional well-being. Boundaries might include things like, rules about yelling, turning a phone to “Do Not Disturb” after 8 pm, not responding to work emails on the weekend, taking breaks when we need them, saying no when we aren’t feeling up to it, and many more things. Boundaries aren’t barriers—they’re tools for preserving energy, protecting emotional health, and fostering mutual respect. 

A boundary is like a personalized instruction manual for how to interact with someone. Think of it as a friendly guide that says, “Here’s how to connect with me without accidentally draining my battery or pushing my self-destruct button.” 

What boundaries aren’t is rejection. They aren’t about pushing people away or being selfish. In fact, boundaries help us show up as our best selves in relationships, because we’re not running on empty or pretending to be OK when we’re not. 

Unfortunately, boundaries have a bit of a PR problem. Somewhere along the line, we started to associate saying “no” with being unkind. (Let’s blame the people-pleasing epidemic.) But think about it—how kind is it, really, to say yes to something you don’t have the time, energy, or capacity for? Have you ever known someone who says “yes” to everything because they want to be known as the “nice” one but clearly hates it? Maybe it’s the coworker that never says “no,” but complains about all the extra work they must do; or the friend or family member that shows up at all the social gathering but won’t stop talking about how much they hate social gatherings. These are not ways to be “nice.” Stop trying to be “nice” at the expense of your well-being! 

Why People Who Say No Are Actually Safe People 

Let me share a personal example to show you how saying no builds trust and safety in relationships. 

I have two friends that I met in school, while we were studying to become therapists. These two amazing people have taught me the beauty and safety of being told “no.” They are two people that often tell me no – they cancel plans when they’re not feeling well, they tell me they don’t have the mental or emotional resources to help when they’re drained or burned out, and when they do show up, I know that they are ready, willing, and genuinely happy to be there for me in whatever capacity that I need. They know their limits are honest about them. I know with absolutely surety that their yesses are genuine because they are comfortable telling me no. It is a transformative experience to feel that kind of assurance. 

It might feel counterintuitive, but people who say no are some of the safest people you can have in your life. 

Here’s why: 

      1. They’re Honest: When someone tells you no, they’re being real with you. They’re not saying yes just to avoid conflict or because they feel obligated. Their yeses are authentic, and you can trust them to mean what they say.
      2. They Value Themselves—and You Too: A no often means, “I care enough about myself to protect my energy—and I care enough about you to be honest.”
      3. They’re Predictable: Safe people are consistent. They don’t overcommit and then flake out. They don’t say yes and secretly resent you. They’re clear, and that clarity creates trust.

Think of it this way: Would you rather have a friend who occasionally says no, or one who says yes to everything and then ghosts you when it matters? 

Managing Your Own Boundaries Like A Pro 

Setting boundaries isn’t easy, especially if you’re used to saying yes to everything and everyone. But it’s a skill worth practicing – and anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly, including managing boundaries. Here’s how to get started: 

    1. Know Your Limits

Take a moment to reflect on what drains your energy. Is it saying yes to too many social plans? Overcommitting at work? Spending hours in group texts about what to order for dinner? Start noticing where you feel stretched too thin. 

    1. Start Small

You don’t have to start by saying no to your boss or your in-laws. Practice in low-stakes situations, like declining an invite to a random Tuesday night event or leaving said event early. And keep practicing! You can build up to the big things. 

    1. Use Friendly Phrasing

Boundaries don’t have to sound harsh. You can say, “I’d love to help, but I don’t have the bandwidth right now,” or “Thanks for thinking of me, but I’ll have to pass this time.” Adding warmth to your delivery can help soften the blow for both you and the other person. 

    1. Expect Discomfort

Here’s the truth: setting boundaries can feel awkward, especially at first. You might worry about disappointing people or feel a twinge of guilt. That’s OK. Discomfort doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong—it means you’re growing. It’s ok to be nervous. I teach people how to set boundaries all day, every day, and I still get nervous on occasion when I have to set a boundary or tell someone no. You can do it! 

Respecting Others’ Boundaries Without Taking It Personally 

Someone else’s boundaries are not a reflection of you or of your important to them. Now say it out loud: “Other people’s boundaries are not a reflection of me or my importance to them.” The boundaries that other people set are about them – it’s about what they need to feel safe and secure in this world. And how lucky are you that they trust you help them with that!  

It’s natural to feel a little hurt or disappointed when you hear a no, but that doesn’t mean you’re unimportant—it just means the other person is taking care of themselves. Let’s be real: hearing “no” can sting. Our inner toddler immediately wants to stomp their foot and yell, “But whyyyyy?” Know this: Learning to handle someone else’s boundaries gracefully is just an important as setting your own. I’m going to repeat that for you, because I want you to remember it: 

Learning to handle someone else’s boundaries gracefully is just an important as setting your own. 

Here’s how to navigate it like a champ: 

    1. Pause Before Reacting

When someone sets a boundary, take a moment to process it. Resist the urge to take it personally—it’s not about you, even if it feels that way. 

    1. Ask for Clarity (If Needed)

If the boundary isn’t clear, it’s OK to ask for clarification. Just don’t pressure the person to change their mind. For example, “Got it—thanks for letting me know. Let me know if there’s a way we can adjust this in the future.” 

    1. Show Gratitude

Thank the person for their honesty, even if their no is disappointing. A simple, “Thanks for letting me know,” goes a long way in showing you respect their needs and creates a safe place for both of you for more boundary setting. Gratitude is a magical little thing that we can do that literally changes our brains. It sets us for success in the future by reminding us that the honesty associated with healthy boundaries is how we build safety and security in our relationships. 

    1. Move On Gracefully

Don’t dwell on it, guilt-trip them, or make it weird. Accept the boundary and adjust your expectations. And remember, just because your coworker doesn’t want to join your trivia team doesn’t mean they’re plotting your demise! 

The Big Picture – Boundaries Build Better Relationships 

Here’s the magic of boundaries: they strengthen relationships, they don’t weaken them. When people feel safe to say no, they’re more likely to show up authentically. And when you respect someone’s no, you show them that their needs matter to you. 

Imagine a world without boundaries. Everyone says yes to everything, all the time. Chaos ensues. Resentments build. Relationships fall apart. Boundaries are what keep us from imploding—and they pave the way for trust, respect, and connection. 

So, the next time someone tells you no, try reframing it. Instead of seeing it as rejection, see it for the beautiful thing it is : a sign that this person respects themselves—and you—enough to be honest. Every “no” someone says makes their “yes” more meaningful—and isn’t that what we all want? 

Becoming a Boundaries Cheerleader 

Boundaries aren’t walls that shut people out; they’re bridges that help us connect in healthier, more sustainable ways. 

Your challenge for the week: 

  1. Say no—just once. Start small and notice how empowering it feels to honor your needs.
  2. When someone sets a boundary with you, thank them for their honesty. Let them know you respect their courage to prioritize themselves. 

Every no paves the way for more authentic yeses, and that’s the foundation of any great relationship. 

And remember, people who say no are safe people. Celebrate their boundaries—and yours. 

Tell Me Your Story

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Tell Me Your Story

By Charmaine Fuller, MC, LPC, NCC

In the pursuit of processing trauma and improving mental, telling your story is a vital component. It’s so important we have a name for it: Narrative Therapy.

The tale of telling my story began in childhood. The earliest story I remember writing was around age ten. It was a story about my friends and me. It wasn’t factual, but rather the stories and scenarios I made up. I gave myself a different name because I had often been teased about my name. It was a way for that childhood version of myself to begin to explore who I was and who I wanted to be. That story has been lost to time, but I think of it periodically.

Therapy and Personal Journals for Mental Health

Early in my childhood, I was also given a journal. I spent years dutifully and regularly journaling. Most of those early entries were the accountings of day-to-day life of an adolescent me. I’ve gone back and read through some of those journals. For the most part, there are stories of interacting with friends and family. Sometimes, I find stories about my dreams and hopes for my life; occasionally, I find entries full of the kind of righteous indignation that only an angsty teenager can produce. And other times, there are entries filled with the heartache and trauma of fighting to be seen, heard, and understood.

Blogging For Better Mental Health - Self Help and Therapy

As technology and information exchange evolved, the kind of story telling I engaged in also evolved. The early 2000’s was filled with blogging about being a wife and mother and my stories became tailored for public reading. While I wasn’t quite so raw and vulnerable, those stories are archived and still continue to be cherished.

Therapy for Heartache - AZRI - Arizona Therapists

Around 15 years ago, I experienced trauma and heartache like I had not experienced previously, and I found my story telling evolved again. I started my own therapeutic journey and discovered a safe place in the therapeutic relationship with my counselor to tell the stories I had never been able to tell before. Through the different courses of therapy, I found a strength and relief of sharing the most vulnerable parts of myself. Soon after, I started sharing my story more publicly. I told parts of my story to trusted friends and family. Sometimes, my story was honored and cherished. Sometimes, it wasn’t. In the times that my people sat with me and held space for my grief and pain, I found soul-deep connection and healing that I didn’t know was possible.

I began writing again and this time, it was to tell the deepest and darkest parts of my story. I didn’t know who would read it or if anyone even wanted to read my story. But I wrote it, and people did read it, and then, they began telling me their stories. I discovered a human experience that writers have expressed over and over again. Carl Rogers (the father of person-centered therapy) described it in his book, On Becoming a Person as such: “what is most personal and unique in each one of us is probably the very element which would, if it were shared or expressed, speak most deeply to others.”

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love expressed in her book Big Magic, that storytelling is both an act of creativity and survival, and quoted the Gospel of Thomas when she said, “Not expressing creativity turns people crazy… ‘If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is within you, what you don’t bring forth will destroy you.’”

Audre Lorde, in her essay The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action told us, “I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood.” Natalie Goldberg, in Writing Down the Bones, said, “In knowing who you are and writing from it, you will help the world by giving it understanding.” I fully believe that there is no human experience so unique that there is not at least one person out there who can understand, empathize, and truly see you. We find those people by telling our stories.

And Sue Monk Kidd in Dance of the Dissident Daughter shared her experience of finding community through stories: “…we began to meet regularly to talk about our lives as women… It became a mutual process of self-discovery… Together, over time, we named our lives as women, named our wounds, named our sacred realities. To say it simply, we helped each other.”

Blogging Therapy - Arizona Mental Health Therapists

When I began the last year of my undergraduate degree, I was faced with the decision of what to do post-graduation. Prior to my experiences with devastating trauma, I had been considering getting a PhD in social psychology. After experiencing trauma though, I decided that getting a PhD was no longer an option for the time being. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I had seen over and over how short and fragile life was, and I needed to consider the time and energy of commitments in a way that I had not needed to before. I had to mourn the loss of that future though, the one in which people called me “Dr.” This was in addition to the many other losses I was facing and had faced. I considered many different education options including teaching, law, art and design, and more. Somewhere along the decision-making process it occurred to me that I had spent so much of my life focused on stories. I had fallen in love with the human experience and all the stories that make up who and what we are.

I had embedded deep within my own personal theory on happiness and fulfillment the idea that all of these people had described: Our stories are important. The answer for what I wanted to do with my life, what I would be good at, and what I would enjoy day in and day out, was facilitating others in telling their stories. The therapeutic process can look so many different ways. What I have experienced myself and seen over and over again, is that healing and strength happen through the process of telling your story – whatever that story may be.

Grief Therapists in Mesa Arizona

Environmental Trauma and Climate Change

Environmental Trauma and Climate Change

Environmental Trauma and Climate Change
By Charmaine Fuller, MC, LPC, NCC

In the intricate web of interactions between humans and the natural world, the issue of environmental trauma has emerged as a pressing concern. I’ve had many clients come into my office who are experiencing heightened anxiety, stress disorders, depression, and climate anxiety as they grapple with the uncertainty and unpredictability of environmental changes. For some, the loss of homes, communities, or natural environments can be particularly devastating, leading to complex grief and trauma reactions. Defined as the psychological and societal distress caused by environmental degradation and disasters, environmental trauma is deeply intertwined with the global issue of climate change. As a counselor, addressing environmental trauma in therapy is not only important but increasingly necessary in our changing world. Understanding and addressing this type of trauma requires a nuanced approach that considers both individual experiences and broader societal dynamics.

Understanding Environmental Trauma

Understanding Environmental Trauma

Environmental trauma encompasses a range of psychological and societal impacts. At its core, it reflects the profound disruption of ecosystems and the resulting consequences for human well-being. Psychologically, individuals may experience heightened anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders in response to environmental crises. Moreover, the ripple effects of environmental trauma extend beyond the individual to shape societal dynamics, exacerbating inequalities and fostering social unrest.

Climate Change as a Catalyst for Environmental Trauma

Climate Change as a Catalyst for Environmental Trauma

The accelerating pace of climate change serves as a potent catalyst for environmental trauma. Rising temperatures fuel extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods, which not only directly imperil lives and livelihoods but also leave lasting scars on communities. Moreover, the displacement of populations due to environmental degradation, sea-level rise, and resource scarcity further amplifies the trauma experienced by affected individuals and societies. In one study, researchers found that victims of Hurricane Katrina were still experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms 12 years after the storm. Renée Funk, Hurricane Response Team Manager for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, speaking in 2017 about the long-lasting negative impact of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina stated, “People have trouble coping with the new normal after a storm. Many have lost everything, including their jobs. Some may have lost loved ones, and now they have to rebuild their lives. They’re faced with a lot of barriers, including mental illness and substance abuse.…”

Environmental Trauma in Therapy

Environmental Trauma in Therapy

As therapists, it’s crucial for us to recognize the psychological impact of environmental trauma on individual. What I’ve discerned from working with clients, especially those who are younger, is that environmental trauma doesn’t occur in isolation and it has far-reaching societal implications. Economic instability, social disruption, and political unrest can all stem from environmental degradation and disasters, exacerbating existing inequalities and vulnerabilities within communities. Vulnerable populations, including members of indigenous communities and those in low-income households, are often disproportionately affected, facing greater challenges in coping with and recovering from environmental trauma. Brandi Wagner, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans discussed the long-term effects of surviving a natural disaster. “I didn’t think it was the storm at first. I didn’t really know what was happening to me. We could see the waterline on houses, and rooftop signs with ‘please help us,’ and that big X where dead bodies were found. I started sobbing and couldn’t stop. I was crying all the time, just really losing it.” Twelve years after Hurricane Katrina, Brandi was still experiencing the long-term effects of PTSD.

Environmental Trauma and Depression

Depression and Climate Anxiety

In addition to increased stress, environmental trauma also manifests as depression and climate anxiety. The overwhelming scope of climate change and its potential consequences can weigh heavily on individuals, leading to feelings of hopelessness and despair. Climate anxiety, a specific form of anxiety focused on environmental concerns, is showing up more often in the therapy office and is increasingly recognized as a legitimate psychological phenomenon evidenced by the number of articles and amount of research going into this specific kind of anxiety and depression. This existential dread reflects the growing awareness of threats posed by climate change.

Depression and Climate Anxiety

Vulnerable Populations

Not all communities bear the brunt of environmental trauma equally. Indigenous people and low-income populations are often disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and disasters, lacking the resources and infrastructure to weather the proverbial storm. Historical injustices compound the vulnerability of these populations, exacerbating the trauma they experience in the face of environmental upheaval.

Addressing Environmental Trauma in Therapy

Addressing Environmental Trauma in Therapy:
Coping Mechanisms and Resilience

In therapy sessions, it’s essential to create a safe and supportive space for clients to explore and process their experiences of environmental trauma. Therapists can employ a variety of techniques, including trauma-focused therapy and narrative therapy, to help clients make sense of their experiences, reframe their narratives, and develop coping strategies for managing environmental anxiety and depression.

As therapists, we often act as a client’s first support network. As such, it’s important to help clients develop coping skills, resilience, and community outside the therapeutic relationship. Support networks with community resilience play a vital role in providing emotional and material support to those affected by environmental disasters. Additionally, psychotherapeutic interventions, such as trauma processing, narrative therapy, community building, and mindfulness-based approaches, can help individuals manage anxiety, process trauma, and build resilience. Interventions tailored to the unique needs of affected populations can help individuals cope with trauma and rebuild their lives in the aftermath of environmental disasters. Community support networks can strengthen an individual’s resilience and play a crucial role in fostering a sense of solidarity and shared purpose.

Coping Mechanisms and Resilience through Environmental Trauma

Case Studies and Community

Examining case studies of therapeutic interventions in post-disaster communities can offer valuable insights regarding the efficacy of various approaches for addressing environmental trauma. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of extreme weather events on vulnerable communities, exposing deep-seated inequalities and systemic failures in disaster response and recovery efforts. Similarly, the prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa highlights the intersection of environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and societal upheaval, underscoring the urgent need for solutions at the micro and macro levels to mitigate risk of crises. Malnutrition and large-scale displacement for those affected by the drought have increased outbreaks of disease due to lack of consistent hygiene.

Ideally, therapists work collaboratively with other professionals and community organizations to provide comprehensive support to individuals and communities affected by environmental disasters. Long-term therapy is often a necessary part of the larger need for support of communities and individuals grappling with complex trauma and grief related to environmental losses.

Community resilience often begins with the people’s connection to the place itself: the natural environment, the history, and community places of gathering. A strong sense of belonging may directly relate to the resiliency of the community itself. Notably, in research on community rebuilding after disaster, “community recovery is not about returning to ‘normal’ or even creating a ‘new normal’.” Climate crises often change the environment in permanent ways, thereby changing the community, and the members of that community, in permanent ways. ‘Normal’ becomes a foreign concept. In a meta-analysis study done in Australia, research participants “described community recovery as being about accepting and expressing their loss and grief in their own ways, of finding ways to adapt, to celebrate who they are and to incorporate the disaster experience into their individual and collective identity. These community members did not talk of recovery as a finite state or ‘an end point’ (i.e. being recovered); they talked about it as a long-term process.”4
Future Outlook

Looking ahead, therapists continue to have a crucial role to play in integrating environmental awareness into therapeutic practice and advocacy efforts. By raising awareness of the psychological impacts of environmental trauma and advocating for environmental justice and mental health support, therapists can contribute to building more resilient communities and promoting greater well-being in the face of environmental challenges.

What You Can Do For Environmental Trauma


In the intricate tapestry of human experience, environmental trauma represents a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness with the natural world. As we confront the existential threat of climate change, we must reckon with the profound psychological and societal implications of environmental degradation and disasters. Addressing environmental trauma in therapy requires a multifaceted approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of environmental and mental health issues. By providing support, building resilience, and advocating for systemic change, mental health professionals can help clients navigate the psychological and societal impacts of environmental trauma and work towards healing, recovery, and building a more sustainable future.

Black History Month 2024

Black History Month 2024 - Arizona Relationship Institute


Black History Month 2024

By Charmaine Fuller

Writing about Black History Month as a White woman is a daunting task. How do I use my privilege and position to talk about the struggles of Black people and honor their amazing contributions to the fields of psychology and therapy?

Well, first, I think it is important to acknowledge that as a white woman, the privilege I was born into makes it so that I will never know what it is like to live as a Black person in our country. And as such, I will likely make mistakes as I try to engage in empathy and understanding. I invite others to correct me or point out when I am blinded by my privilege.

In the same beat though, it is my responsibility to be informed. It absolutely is not the responsibility of my clients, friends, or colleagues to educate me. As a licensed professional, I am literally responsible to seek out education and resources pertaining to multicultural competency as a part of my licensure. And as such, I wanted to highlight a few of the things I have learned from Black people.

Who Was Audrey Lorde?

Audre Lorde was a feminist during the second wave of feminism and a lesbian who spoke often about the plight of queer women in America. In a letter she wrote to the author of Gyn/Ecology in May of 1979, she explained her frustration in attempting to teach white women about racism: “I had decided never again to speak to white women about racism. I felt it was wasted energy because of destructive guilt and defensiveness, and because whatever I had to say might better be said by white women to one another at far less emotional cost to the speaker, and probably with better hearing.”

Throughout my career I have been reminded in several ways that if I want to be an advocate and an ally, I have to know how to use my privilege appropriately. One way is by speaking up about how racism manifests at both micro and macro levels. Black people face unique difficulties when it comes to mental health. We know that they are less likely to have access to healthcare and less likely to seek out services.

When they do seek that care, they are less likely to receive appropriate help, accurate diagnoses, or enough care. Black people are overrepresented in schizophrenia diagnoses and underrepresented in neurodiversity and PTSD diagnoses. As mental health professionals, it is our job to be aware of these disparities. Our work is to understand how cultural differences, history of trauma, and abuse all impact psychological well-being . As an advocate for my minority clients and ally of movements like Black Lives Matter, I want to be aware of these things and know how to speak to others about them.

Who is Luvvie Ajayi Jones?

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is a Nigerian American writer who, in her TEDtalk, spoke about being a “professional troublemaker.” She gave us a simple guide for having difficult conversations. I’ve used and taught her questions countless times. She offers these three questions to ask yourself before saying difficult things or having uncomfortable conversations: Did you mean it? Can you defend it? And, did you say it with love? These three questions are a brilliant start to open conversations for deeper understanding, appreciation, and care.

Generational trauma is one area that is getting more and more attention in the mental health field. Every one of us has trauma that has been passed down through actions and behaviors in our family systems, and genetically. Resmaa Menakem, a leader in the field of psychotherapy, has spoken and written about generational trauma often. He says, “The answer to why so many of us have difficulties is because our ancestors spent centuries here under unrelentingly brutal conditions.

Generation after generation, our bodies stored trauma and intense survival energy, and passed these on to our children and grandchildren.” Understanding that everyone carries around the trauma passed on to them is imperative as a mental health provider. Which means, it’s also important for us, as mental health professionals, to be curious. I can learn and read about the systems of oppression for my Black clients, but it’s also important to be curious about the individual’s experiences: of their history, their family, and their family’s history. Resmaa Menakem has also stressed this when he said,

“Trauma in a person, decontextualized over time, looks like personality. Trauma in a family, decontextualized over time, looks like family traits. Trauma in a people, decontextualized over time, looks like culture. ” Context matters, and curiosity gets us more context.

Being Multiculturally Informed

So, how do we, as White people, in a field where Whiteness is overrepresented, build context so that we can be more multiculturally informed? Seek out Black creators in all the places you look for content. Read poetry from people that look different from you. Listen to the music and seek art from artists of all backgrounds and cultures. Follow Black creators on social media. And most importantly, be quiet and curious. What do I mean when I say, “be quiet?” I mean don’t take up space that isn’t meant for you.

As White people we have privilege and take up more space than we always need to. If the space is specific or particular to Black individuals, be quiet and curious. One blogger, Flavia Dzoden, wrote “My feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit.” I am reminded repeatedly that my privilege often blinds me to the plight of those less privileged than I am. Being quiet and curious when people speak and write about their experiences, which are different my own, helps to remind me that being an intersectional feminist means doing the work of diversity, equality, and inclusion of everyone.

Happy Black History Month!


  1. When I Dare to Be Powerful
  2. My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
  3. Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso (Podcast), Episode 200

    My Feminism Will Be Intersectional or it Will Be Bullshit, published Oct 10,

  4. 2011, on

Self-Esteem: A Revolution

Self Esteem A Revolution - Charmaine Fuller - Self Esteem Therapist in Arizona

Self-Esteem: A Revolution

By: Charmaine Fuller, MC, LAC, NCC

Over the last several years, I have seen many clients come through my office who have struggled with self-confidence. It is almost a universal struggle. The reasons for poor self-esteem vary from childhood abuse or neglect to recent divorces, breakups, or abusive relationships. Sometimes we don’t even know why we struggle with low self-esteem. The ways that low self-esteem manifest in our lives also vary just as widely. It can look like struggles in our relationships with partners, family members, or colleagues. It can look like disordered eating or addiction. Sometimes it manifests as anxiety, depression, or panic attacks. Other times, it is all of those things and more.

Therapist Near Scottsdale Arizona - Charmaine Fuller of Arizona Relationship Institute

Re-Building Self Esteem

As an adolescent and young adult, I too struggled deeply with feelings of low self-worth. I was a deeply closeted (even to myself!) queer kid in the 80’s and 90’s who also had undiagnosed ADHD. I started puberty much earlier than my contemporaries and never felt like I fit in physically, emotionally, culturally, or socially with my peers. Those feelings lasted well into my thirties. It wasn’t until I started doing my own work in addressing the shame and guilt of being different that I was able to start to build feelings of self-worth. Here is what I’ve learned. This may be helpful for you, or it may not. The journey to better mental health is a deeply personal one and is very much like throwing spaghetti at a wall. Hopefully, something sticks. If not, that’s ok. We’re going to keep throwing that spaghetti until it does.

1. Knowledge is power

The more I learned about psychology, personality, human development, queer history and theory, and feminist history and theory, the more I learned about myself. I journaled, read, went to therapy, and listened to people that were smarter than me. The more I learned about the human experience, the more I saw myself in it. Somethings were helpful and some weren’t. One thing that was life-changing was learning about archetypal psychology and the study of personality development. I had been told my whole life that I was supposed to be one way: “Children are…” “Women are…” “Adults are…” Again, being queer and neurodivergent meant that I often did not fit into the typical or “normal.” I carried a lot of shame and guilt about that and tried to be more “normal.” It didn’t work out for me and led to a lot of pain and suffering for myself and those around me also. Through learning about my different identities and those that came before me, I had greater context for understanding myself and my place in this world.

2. Mindfulness

I’m pretty much always going to mention mindfulness. It’s the first thing I teach all my clients and it has been, quite possibly, the most important thing I’ve learned in my journey to better mental health and overall well-being. Through mindfulness, I’ve been able to better understand the emotions and sensations in my body. Our bodies are magical and amazing machines that give us information all day long. The emotions and sensations in our bodies are the biofeedback data we need to understand our world. Sometimes, it is not safe to be in our bodies. Trauma often leaves us feeling a decreased sense of security and safety. That’s common. This is where working with a trauma-informed mental health professional is so important. It’s ok to need that extra help and support. That’s what we’re here for! We want to build our mind-body connection so that we can get to know our bodies more intimately and appreciate the magical machines that they are.

3. A Revolution

This part of my journey to a better, healthier sense of self-worth was all about revolution and rebellion. I started feeling confident in myself as a deliberate and intentional act of rebellion against all the systems that told me I should feel shame or guilt or embarrassment about myself and my identities. I decided I was going to be an out and proud queer person as an act of rebellion against all the queer jokes and pejoratives made by myself and everyone around me in my youth. I decided I was going to be fat and confident as an act of rebellion against the beauty standards of the 90’s that told me I was disgusting and anything above a women’s size six was “plus-sized.” I was going to love the soft, emotional, empathetic parts of me as as an act of defiance against patriarchal ideals that tell us that being “an emotional woman” is a weakness. My self-confidence started as an act of rebellion. It was a revolution to liberate me from old ways of thinking. One of my clients stated it so perfectly: “My existence is resistance.”

Connection to Your Self Esteem - Mesa Arizona Therapists

4. Connection

Going through these phases of my growing self-worth was a little bit of “fake ‘til you make it.” I often experienced a kind of imposter syndrome in my confidence that had me often wondering if I was worthy of my own love and kindness. This is where connecting to my support network (people who love, appreciate, celebrate, and support me) made all the difference. We all need support networks. We need others in our lives to help us in all the big and small ways. Sometimes that support looks like someone reminding you that are loved and worthy of that love. Being able to talk about our struggles in secure and supportive environments is absolutely transformative. Telling a trusted therapist, friend, or family member that you are struggling and in need of validation or reassurance is going to help in a couple different ways: First, being able to accurately identify your feelings and your needs is empowering; Second, having a person respond to you in empathetic and appropriate ways is healing. Irvin Yalom, a brilliant psychiatrist and therapist, called them “corrective emotional experiences.”

How To Re-Build Confidence and Self Esteem

So, there you have it, go forth and be confident! Except it’s not that simple, right? Even though this appears to be a pretty straight forward plan, it’s likely something that will be a struggle. That’s ok! Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly. You must be bad at something before you can be amazing at it and that includes building self-confidence. So, try these suggestions. Be bad at them! And then do them again and again until you’re amazing.

Ringing in the New Year

Ringing in the New Year
By Charmaine Fuller

The beginning of the year is often the time of reflection and projection. We look back on the previous year sometimes with fondness, other times it may be guilt, or perhaps we do so with gratitude that it’s done. As we close out the year and begin a new one, it feels natural to set goals and intentions for the upcoming twelve months. We at AZRI, have been doing some of that ourselves.

Since the beginning of the COVID we, like so many of you, have had to change the way we operate and engage with our clients, care partners, and ourselves. We improved access and ease to getting treatment including virtual appointments. As a result, our therapists see clients all over the state. We’ve been able to hire more therapists. We’ve expanded our intern program, which means we can offer more affordable therapy options to a wider variety of clients. We’ve added more treatment partners in pursuit of offering a holistic approach to mental health. And we’ve added psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to our treatment options.

As we close out 2023 and prepare to welcome in 2024, we are excited about our plans to continue to growth of AZRI in line with our values of offering the highest levels of relational therapy to Arizona residents and continuing to provide training and education to therapists, old and new. We are so excited about our goals for the future of Arizona Relationship Institute and are incredibly grateful for all our amazing clients who trust us to accompany them on their journey to healing and better mental health.

New Goals For A New Year

So, in pursuit of all of us being intentional and deliberate in setting our new year resolutions, here are some suggestions for setting goals.

Be mindful!

Take some time to meditate on the previous year and how far you’ve come. You can do this by sitting down and setting aside time to think about this exact subject, but meditation can also be journaling, making a list, or even talking to a friend about it.

Write it down!

The simple act of taking pencil to paper is magical (and actual psychological) experience that helps our brains encode information more efficiently. So, write down how far you’ve come in the last year and use that information to help guide you toward where you want to go next year.

Keep it simple!

When setting goals, make sure you have kept it simple and plausible. By taking the time to reflect on the previous year, you will have a better idea of what you have accomplished, thereby informing on what you are capable of accomplishing. Throw in a goal or two that are incredibly easy to accomplish for that extra hit of dopamine and serotonin, to keep your motivation going.

Remind yourself!

When you’ve set your goals, put them in a place where you will see them often – on the refrigerator, a white board, the lock screen on your phone, or your bathroom mirror. To further encode those goals into your brain, state them out loud often. The act of using your voice to state your goals frequently is an exercise in mindfulness and helps to keep those goals in the forefront of your mind.

Be mindful!

Yep, this one gets stated twice. When the time comes (as it inevitably will), that you have gotten off track, forgotten about those goals, or simply gotten burned out, that’s ok! Practice some compassion and patience for yourself. We all get off track sometimes. That’s all a part of being human and growing. Simply notice that you have gotten off track. This is an invitation to take some time to reassess your goals and see if they still work for you. If they don’t, good job figuring that out! Take some time to set some new goals. If they do still work for you, switch up the way you remind yourself of your goals. If you had them on your fridge before, moving them to your bathroom mirror may be helpful to getting yourself back on track.

Reward yourself!

As you accomplish your goals or meet milestones in pursuit of your goals, reward yourself. This can be as simple as asking a friend for a high-five or as elaborate as you can imagine. Acknowledging your hard work to yourself or to others is an important part of growth. You’ve done well, you deserve the acknowledgement!


Tips and tricks

Some other tips and tricks for accomplishing your goals:

      • Find an accountability partner. Asking a friend our family member to help keep you accountable on working towards your goals can be a huge help.
      • Talk to your therapist. Your therapist can help you meet your goals through a variety of ways including making them a part of your treatment plan, helping you find resources, or teaching you new skills.
      • Make it fun. This is where you get to be creative! Maybe you make it fun by getting a poster board a drawing a thermometer that you get to fill in as you get closer and closer to goal, maybe it’s a habit tracker in your journal, maybe it’s an app on your phone. The ways to make goal setting and accomplishment more fun are countless!

And as always, we at Arizona Relationship Institute are here for you and excited to help you reach all your goals, in the new year, and always.