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Parent-Child Relationships

Arizona Relationship Institute Specializes in Therapy and Counseling for Parent-Child Relationships.

Parenting Therapy and Parent & Child Counseling

Child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) is used to help both parents and children connect, strengthen bonds, and overcome issues between them. Whether you are looking to better the relationship between a parent and a child or repair a relationship, parent-child therapy can be beneficial to both the parent and the child.

Parent-Child Therapy for Blended Families

What is a Blended Family?

Also called “Step-Families”, “Blended Families” are families that are formed when a couple starts a family with children from previous marriages. Many aspects of the family members lives become blended together, and many changes are expected to happen. Blended Family Therapists can help families adjust to changes more comfortably, and address and blended family challenges that arise.

Parenting Therapy & Therapy for Parenting Issues

There are many problems that can develop between a parent and child during the developmental period of a child’s life. Parents can be worried about the character that is developing in their child (argumentative,  combative, etc.) or their behaviors. This gives a parent fear for the future, and how the child will further develop. In these times it is important for both the child and parent to look at their own behaviors when together, and adjust the parenting style to meet the expected goals.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

Structured around “coaching sessions,” Parent-Child Interaction Therapy involves a therapist that focuses on observing the parent and child at-play. The therapist then gives helpful suggestions on how to better listen, and communicate with each other.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) can help to advance the following parenting goals:

    • Increased patience of parents when dealing with/interacting with children.
    • Help children understand and respect the rules of parents and the household.
    • Decrease defiance in children, and increase respect for adults.
    • Decrease incidents of outbursts, violent, or aggressive behaviors.
    • Decreased negative activity in children (many children that have an overabundance of energy and don’t know how to positively release it instead spend this energy on destructive or behaviors that do not benefit the child or parent).
    • Increased positive social behaviors (Please and Thank You’s, open to sharing, helping others and positive communication).
Co-Parenting Therapy for Couples

How to Be a Better Parent

Many parents only know 1 parenting style: their own ad-hoc parenting style that they have made-up based off the way they were treated by their parents, and based off what they have seen in popular culture/other parent-child relationships.

When a parent’s natural parenting style fails and problems start to develop between the child and parent and the child and others, a change to the parenting style is needed. Many parents find changing their parenting style very difficult to do by themselves, and often need the help of a Therapist for Parent-Child Relationships.

Therapy For The Parents

Sometimes, there is nothing wrong with the parents normal style of parenting, instead there the issues lie within the household. Parents can let their own personal problems get in the way of the relationship between they and their children.

    • Letting Financial Stress Affect The Children and the Relationship Between Parents and Children
    • Busy Work Schedules can cut out the positive interaction times between parents and children and leave only time for the negative interactions. 
    • Problems within blended families and separated parent sets can cause new problems in the parent-child relationship as the child develops and matures.

Growing a Closer Relationship With Your Children

The ultimate goal of a relationship with between a parent and child is to navigate through all of life’s rocky moments and to continue to grow your relationship closer as you both get older. If you feel like the relationship is growing further away, and a schism between you is the only thing that is growing, it is important to analyze your relationship and behaviors and to ensure that they are contributing positively.

Form a Bon With Your Child That Will Last A Lifetime