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Renee Bergman Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner FDNP in Mesa Arizona - The Arizona Relationship Institute

Renee Bergmen

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN_P)

Mesa, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN_P)

American Association for Marital and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Approved Supervisor

Specialties, Focuses & Interests:

About Renee:

Renee Bergmen is a dedicated Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN_P) with a passion for holistic health and healing. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals dealing with gut dysfunction, hormone imbalances, and thyroid issues, Renee brings a unique perspective to her practice.

Having personally experienced the frustration and confusion that can arise from these health issues, Renee embarked on a transformative journey of self-healing. Inspired by her own incredible results, she became an FDN_P to help others navigate their own paths to wellness.

Renee firmly believes in the power of objective functional labs to uncover the underlying root causes of health concerns. By utilizing these tests, she gains valuable insights into her clients’ unique needs, allowing her to develop personalized and targeted approaches to healing. Through focused food choices that are tailored to each individual’s requirements and data driven healing protocols, Renee addresses the fundamental issues that contribute to long-lasting well-being.

Renee Bergman Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner FDNP in Mesa Arizona - The Arizona Relationship Institute

Recognizing that healing goes beyond the physical body, Renee emphasizes the importance of nurturing the heart, emotions, and spirituality in her approach. She understands that true wholeness as humans comes from understanding and addressing the interconnectedness of these aspects. By providing a comprehensive and holistic healing process, Renee supports her clients in regaining balance and vitality in all areas of their lives.

With a genuine commitment to her clients’ well-being, Renee’s personal experience and professional training as an FDN_P make her a compassionate and knowledgeable guide on the journey to optimal health. Through her guidance, clients uncover the root causes of their health challenges, nourish their bodies with personalized approaches, and nurture their emotional and spiritual well-being. With Renee’s support, individuals can achieve true wholeness, vibrant health, and a renewed sense of vitality.

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