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EFT Sex Therapy

Emotionally-Focused Sex Therapy

EFT sex therapy applies the same interventions used with all couples therapy, but there is a particular focus on the ways in which their negative interaction cycle is manifest in their sexual relationship.

What Is EFT Sex Therapy?

When problems arise in a relationship, the sexual relationship is usually negatively impacted. Sexual difficulties in an otherwise healthy, happy relationship can damage the couple’s emotional connection.  If they are unable to turn to one another and lovingly address the problem together.

EFT sex therapy addresses couples sexual issues from an attachment perspective. That means that all emotional and behavioral responses are viewed as being based in the desire to either protect against disconnection or attempt to create connection. Sexuality is understood as one of the ways that couples reach and respond to one another to secure their connection.

What Is EFT Sex Therapy
VS EFT Therapy

EFT Sex Therapy is for Couples who want to focus on sexuality and their sexual relationship. EFT Therapy (Not EFT Sex Therapy) is not focused on sex as the core issue. Rather, therapy utilizes EFT Therapy as a tool to help anxiety, depression, and a range of other focuses.

EFT Sex Therapist in Mesa, AZ

"Although Sexuality Is Only One Dimension Of A Couple’s Relationship, It Plays A Vital Role In The Overall Quality And Strength Of A Couple’s Emotional Bond."
- Sue Johnson
What's The Difference Between Sex Therapy and EFT Sex Therapy?

EFT sex therapy applies the same interventions used with all couples therapy, but there is a particular focus on the ways in which their negative interaction cycle is manifest in their sexual relationship.

Sexual intimacy is an integration of partners’ emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical connection.  It is a vital and powerful dimension, which cannot be fully addressed without addressing all other dimensions. 

EFT sex therapy helps couples understand and address the ways in which each dimension of their relationship is inextricably interwoven with their sexual relationship.

The quality of the sexual relationship is directly related to two things:
the degree to which:
1.) each partner feels both loved and desired, and...
2.) each partner effectively expresses love and desire for the other.
Performance cannot be the goal.
Authentic, integrated connection with self and other is the goal.
Everything an EFT sex therapist does is with this goal in mind.

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