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Aetna Insurance

Questions, Resources & Pre-Qualification for Aetna Insurance Plans in Arizona

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Aetna Insurance with The Arizona Relationship Institute - FAQs


Yes, AZRI accepts Aetna Insurance. However, please complete the “Aetna Pre-Qualification Process” to verify that we can accept your policy. *Not all therapists accept AETNA INSURANCE.

Click Here to Start the AETNA Prequalification Process >>

Yes, AZRI accepts Aetna Insurance. However, please complete the “Aetna Pre-Qualification Process” to verify that we can accept your policy. *Not all therapists accept AETNA INSURANCE.

Click Here to Start the AETNA Prequalification Process >>

Therapy at AZRI may be covered by your Aetna Student Insurance Plan. Start with an Aetna Pre-Qualification Form to find out about coverage and availability. *Not all therapists accept AETNA INSURANCE.

Click Here to Start the AETNA Prequalification Process >>

Get Pre-Qualified

If you have Aetna Insurance, start our pre-qualification process to see check coverage and see what insurance will cover for counseling in Arizona.

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