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Couples Grief Counseling: Strengthening Bonds While Grieving

Grief is an overwhelming and sneaky emotion -- it's symptoms are similar to sadness and depression, but permeates every facet of your life including parts of your life you wouldn't normally expect. A couple that grieves together in a positive way can achieve new heights in their relationship, while improperly grieving can cause problems or exacerbate relationship problems to a breaking point.
Couples Grief Counseling - Strengthening Bonds While Grieving - AZRI

Couples Grief Counseling: Strengthening Bonds While Grieving


Grief Counseling For Couples in Arizona - AZRI - The Arizona Relationship Institute

Grief is an overwhelming and sneaky emotion — it’s symptoms are similar to sadness and depression, but permeates every facet of your life including parts of your life you wouldn’t normally expect. Grief can also have a significant impact on your relationships with others; with family, friends, and especially your significant other. A couple that grieves together in a positive way can achieve new heights in their relationship, while improperly grieving can cause problems or exacerbate relationship problems to a breaking point.

Grief and Loss Counseling and Therapy in Mesa Gilbert Arizona

How To Grieve In A Positive Way

Death is a natural part of life, and those who have a healthy outlook-on and acceptance-of death tend to grieve more easily, productively, and positively, than those with unresolved issues-with or a fear-of death. Allowing the symptoms of grief (sadness, intense sorrow, isolation, guilt, self-blame, etc.) to overcome you is NOT dealing with grief in a positive way.

What Are The Phases of The Grieving Process - ARZI Grief Therapy

The Grieving Process

The grieving process is the expected routine that a person will go-through after suffering an intense loss. The loss could be the death of a loved one, a pet, a close friend, or it could even be the loss of a job/opportunity, the loss of a home, or any traumatic loss. After the initial shock of the loss, a person usually goes through the stages of grief.

What Are The Stages of Grief

Therapists and professionals use a 5 or 7-stage model for the stages of grief. The 5-stage model for grief is as follows:

      1. Denial
      2. Anger
      3. Bargaining
      4. Depression
      5. Acceptance

The 7-stage model for grief is as follows:

      1. Shock and Denial
      2. Pain and Guilt
      3. Anger and Bargaining
      4. Depression
      5. The Upward Turn
      6. Reconstruction and Walkthrough
      7. Acceptance

Professional Grief Therapists tend to like the 7-phase grief model because it shows that there are 2 steps between Depression and Acceptance. These steps outline what needs to happen for depression to turn to acceptance, and for the phases to complete with closure.

There are certainly some cases of complex grief that last a lifetime, and this is primarily because the person grieving is never able to get out of their depression and reconstruct their life. For this reason, it is so important to recognize the “hidden steps” of the 7-step model of the grief process, and to do the work to turn things upward and start reconstruction and rebuilding.

How Death Grief and Loss Affects Couples - AZRI Grief Therapy

How Death, Grief, and Loss Affects Couples

Couples are 2 parts of 1 unit. They live-together and breathe-together… all experiences are shared between the couple; both the good and the bad. When grief and loss hit a couple, it hits them both very hard individually, and it hits them hard as a couple. As an individual, a person needs to go through a personal grieving process; but as a couple, there is a separate grieving process where you mourn the loss of a person and what they meant to you as a couple.

The loss of parents and friends can hit couples especially hard; and have an impact on the entire family: kids, extended family, etc. These added stresses put even more pressure on the couple, and even the those couples with iron-strong bonds can bow to the pressures.

Some couples may have needed couples therapy before grieving, simply for the marital or spousal issues they are encountering. When you add grief on top, the need for counseling and therapy becomes urgent. Too many couples wait to deal with their own intimacy problems until something dramatic and shocking wakes them up to the need for help. By then, the emotions have built up even higher.

Separating Grief Issues From Intimacy & Relationship Issues

Separating Grief Issues From Intimacy & Relationship Issues

It is difficult to try and fix 2 problems at once. It is easier to focus on just 1 problem, fix that problem, then move onto the next problem. This is how relationship problems need to be attacked: one by one, while still looking at the big picture. Whether the relationship is with a family member, a friend, or an intimate relationship, it is always important to separate the grief issues from the relationship issues.

Family Relationship Issues and Grief

Another common problem that arises after a death in a family is that familial problems that have been sitting silent for years may come back to the surface. Tensions may run high between family members, and the emotions caused by the grief can be overwhelming; family members may say or do things they regret, and arguments can start or re-start.

Family Issues After The Death of a Loved One are some of the most heartbreaking and intense emotions a human being can experience. Grief and loss are hard enough without added pressures from family, friends, or family and friends of the deceased. It is very important to work these problems out and not let them sit and fester; or else a person is in danger of becoming stuck in the “Anger and Bargaining” phase of the process of grief.

Anger Issues, Grief, and Loss

Anger and temper issues are often associated with grief, loss and death — particularly unresolved feelings and emotions associated with grief, loss and death. Again, it is so important for humans to go through all the steps of the grieving process for them to finally find closure, mental clarity, and to free themselves from guilt and other negative feelings. Those that are not able to overcome their anger, are in-turn overcome by their anger.

It is important for couples to not let their anger overcome them in the relationship. Anger must be controlled and overcome by your unconditional love for each other. Couples may need to seek couples anger therapy if they are only arguing and not making and progress in their arguments. This uncontrolled anger is like poison and needs to be bled-out, or diffused. Couples Anger Management Therapists can help couples to resolve differences enough to let-go of the anger and to start working together again.

Unresolved Loss and Grief Therapy for Individuals and Couples

Unresolved Loss and Grief Therapy for Individuals and Couples

For widows and widowers who have been working to rebuild and start a new life, the negative emotions of grief can always come back to haunt them. Starting a new relationship after the death of a significant other is a positive process, but can be sabotaged by unnecessary feelings of shame or guilt from unresolved grief.

It is so important to move-on with your life after the death of a loved one, because you HAVE TO. You are still alive and cannot just lay down and die. Couples Therapists can help you to build a new life after experiencing the greatest of losses.

Grief Therapy for Couples Individuals and Families in Arizona

Grief Therapy for Couples, Individuals, and Families in Arizona

There are so many in Arizona suffering with loss and grief. The Grief Therapists at The Arizona Relationship Institute can help you to understand your personal emotional losses, deal with the stages of guilt, and rebuild our life into a positive one after overcoming grief.

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