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How Faith-Based Couples Therapy Can Help Your Relationship

How Faith-Based Couples Therapy Can Help Your Relationship


How Faith-Based Couples Therapy Can Help Your Relationship

The benefits of faith-based couples therapy are miraculous, and it is no wonder that the institution of marriage has its roots in a number of different religions. Whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, or Agnostic, every soul on earth can benefit from couples therapy that draws from faith and spirituality.

All couples are invited to bring their own beliefs and spiritual ideas to to a faith-based couples therapy session; the point is not to press religious teachings or values on a person, but rather to educate couples on what different faiths say about relationships and relationship problems.

Faith-Based Couples Counseling Offers Thousands Of Years of Experience

Religious scriptures (like the Bible, The Talmud, or Quran) are the main source of what we know about the lives of people who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago.  These books tell parables and stories about problems that people faced throughout history, including marital issues, infertility issues, jealousy issues, cheating spouses, and betrayal.

Nothing New Under The Sun

“Nothing New Under the Sun” is a phrase that simply means anything a person can think or do as already been done by another human being before them. Even though it feels like we are the first and only ones to experience our problems in love and loss, every aspect of every possible relationship has already happened to someone before.

So, when it comes to your own situation, it helps to recognize there is nothing new under the sun, and another relationship has experienced the exact same issues as yours. This is a good thing — this means that a solution and process to get you to that solution has already been invented. These processes are called faith-based couples counseling techniques.

Faith-Based Couples Counseling for Grief and Loss

We often turn to faith and spirituality in times of grief and loss, because grief transcends our daily understanding of the world. Grief reminds us of the fragility of life, and how quickly it can be lost.

When a person has lost someone close to them — through death, mental illness, or through separation — it hurts. The pain is mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. This pain and trauma must be treated mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Those who heal physically and mentally, but fail to heal spiritually, may leave an open wound that causes pain or negative issues later in life.

Helping to bring spiritual closure to people in times of extreme grief is the main job of a Faith Based Couples Counselor.

Faith-Based Couples Counseling for Life Changing Events

There are a lot of life changing events that come throughout the phases of life. Remember, there is nothing new under the sun, and someone else has been through the exact situation before. Therefore, we can learn valuable lessons from those who came before us.

    • Birth of a First Child
    • Growing Family
    • Relationship Issues With In-Laws
    • Relationship and Money Issues
    • A Family’s Big Move
    • Changing a Job or Career Path
    • Kids Moving Away
    • Divorce or Separation
    • Transitioning to Retirement
    • Death or Loss

For all of the above situations, there are also stories of spiritual guidance from our ancestors. Many written years ago, some written more recently, but all timeless in their validity to relationships.

Faith-Based Couples Counseling for Interfaith Couples

We all have different beliefs and creeds, which is a beautiful freedom that allows us to live our lives in a way that makes sense to us, and brings us fulfilment.

Even those of us in the closest of relationships will have different ideas and beliefs when it comes to spirituality and philosophy; but, it is important to not let these differences drive a wedge between us. That wedge will grow and separate close couples before they even realize what is happening.

When couples have a hard time dealing with life changing events, the spiritual differences may be too much to bear, and could prove to be the proverbial ‘straw that breaks the camel’s back.’ These couples desperately need the help of Interfaith Couples Counseling.

Interfaith Couples Counseling is provided by a therapist that helps both individuals in the relationship to sort through religious differences and differences of faith and practice (as they relate to the couple’s relationship and surrounding issues).

How The Arizona Relationship Institute Helps Couples with Faith-Based Therapy

At AZRI, we specialize in relationship therapy and the complex issues surrounding couples and their lives together. Faith, spirituality, religious upbringing, social customs, and practices play a much larger part in our lives than we realize — especially in relationships and marriages.

Our therapists are all from diverse backgrounds and spiritual beliefs, and have a wealth of education and experience that allows us to help couples with a wide range of issues and concerns. As the saying goes. “There’s nothing new under the sun…” Let us help you to understand how that saying can help you and your significant other.

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