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Types of Therapy You Should Consider In The New Year

For the most part, it will be your therapist that decides the type or types of therapies to be used during individual or couples therapy sessions. Nonetheless, everyone should familiarize themselves with the different types of psychotherapies and modalities that are currently used by most professional therapists today. Knowledge is power, especially with mental health, psychotherapy, and self-betterment.
Types of Therapy You Should Consider In The New Year

Types of Therapy You Should Consider In The New Year


For the most part, it will be your therapist that decides the type or types of therapies to be used during individual or couples therapy sessions. Nonetheless, everyone should familiarize themselves with the different types of psychotherapies and modalities that are currently used by most professional therapists today. Knowledge is power, especially with mental health, psychotherapy, and self-betterment.

Types of Therapy You Should Consider - AZRI - Arizona Therapists

Types of Therapy You Should Consider

Psychotherapies are wonderfully versatile, in that they can be used for a number of different unique situations. When you use multiple types of therapies in-conjunction together, the real miracles begin to show. Using Mindfulness Therapy in-conjunction with ACT Therapy — for example — can help an individual to get-over trauma, pain, anxiety, and disappointment. Using multiple therapies together may offer the best benefits.

CBT Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Phoenix Arizona

CBT Therapy | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Quickly becoming the most popular and talked-about psychotherapies, CBT focuses on “cognition,” or your mind’s focus point, and helps individuals to recognize “why they do what they do.” When you know why you take actions — you can better avoid negative reactions and promote positive reactions. Renowned for its assistance-in treating alcohol use disorders and substance use disorders, CBT gives an individual the skills to make better decisions by simply asking themselves – “Why am I doing this?”, “Will doing this make me happy?” , “What harm may come from doing this?”, and following the questioning process to a better outcome.

Adlerian Therapy Individual Therapy For Confidence Building - Arizona Relationship Institute

Adlerian Therapy | Individual Therapy For Confidence Building

Adlerian Therapy — based on the theories of Alfred Adler, Psychiatrist and contemporary colleague of Sigmund Freud — Adlerian Therapy is POSITVE, HUMANISTIC, and INTEGRATIVE. This type of therapy focuses on GOALS, and helps individuals to discover and understand their goals from therapy. This helps to give a clear direction for therapy sessions.

Providing encouragement, empathy, and positive reinforcement is at the foundation of Adlerian Therapy, making it a great option for building confidence, overcoming shame and trauma, and gaining self-esteem.

CFT Therapy Compassion-Focused Therapy in Arizona - AZRI

CFT Therapy | Compassion-Focused Therapy

In the same vein as Adlerian, CFT Therapy puts an emphasis on compassion being your goal; compassion for yourself primarily, and learning to overcome shame and self-criticism. The therapy can be used for treating anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, anger issues, and even relationship challenges (such as jealousy issues). Emotion-regulation is a key component, and CFT therapy theorizes that there are 3 emotional systems within us that control all of our processes and behaviors.

Learn more about CFT Therapy on Psychology Today >>

Art Therapy Therapists in Mesa Arizona - Phoenix Arizona Relationship Institute

Art Therapy | The Many Forms of Art Therapy

Art Therapy comes in many forms, but all of the forms boil down to communication without words; the communication happens solely through the expression of the artist. There are 2 major forms of art therapy: 1.) Guided 2. Unguided.

Unguided Art Therapy is the one you are probably most familiar-with, as it sees the artist freeform expressing their emotions through their artistic works.

Guided Art Therapy consists of a therapist that guides the session and the thought processes you go through while simultaneously creating art. The therapist watches how your artistic expression changes while you think of different things, including triggers or thoughts that are problematic to your metal condition.

The effect is twofold: the artistic expression (drawing, painting, etc.) helps an individual to describe their thoughts and feelings about a subject without using words. The artistic expression also has a calming effect on the individual, and that person is more able to express thoughts and feelings that they cannot or are afraid-to express through other means.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy EMDR Therapists in Mesa Arizona - AZRI

EMDR Therapy | Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a therapy-type that has been miraculously helpful in treating PTSD and moderate to severe trauma. Though not without controversy, EMDR has also been criticized for its very direct approach to recalling traumatic events. While it certainly may not be recommended for those inexperienced with therapy, EMDR can be helpful for those more advanced in the healing process and can help to pinpoint the root of many symptoms of PTSD and Trauma. Finding these roots can assist in reaching the goal of acceptance and healing.

Learn More About EMDR Therapy >>

Gestalt Therapy For Letting-Go Of The Past - Arizona Therapists - AZRI

Gestalt Therapy | Therapy For Letting-Go Of The Past

Meaning “Put-Together” in Germanic, Gestalt Therapy aims to “snap a person out of” their obsession with the past and past events by experientially reminding them that they are living in the PRESENT. A form of Humanistic Therapy and a holistic therapy, Gestalt Therapy stresses that the entire person must be treated and “put-together.” This also means that Gestalt Therapy tends to go deeper than other conventional therapies, and insists that all corners of the mind and psyche should be explored and balanced.

Learn More About Gestalt Therapy >>

Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT Right For Me - Counseling and Therapy - Arizona Relationship Institute

ACT Therapy | Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

ACT Therapy focuses on helping you get over negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. It helps you to accept that negatives that happen in life as “inevitable,” and helps you to commit to overcoming the negatives and living a positive life. Using 6 core processes of ACT Therapy, an individual or couple can increase their psychological flexibility. This means not being a slave to your emotional responses to grief, anxiety, and disappointment, and instead pressing forward with fortitude.

Learn More About ACT Therapy at AZRI  >>

How Does ACT Therapy Work - The Arizona Relationship Institute - AZRI

Group Therapy | Affordable and Efficient Therapy Options

Many are anxious or apprehensive about group therapy, but after you get over your apprehension you will find a great resource for your continuing mental health and therapy. Group Therapy is NOT public speaking, it is a small and private gathering of individuals who are all committed to their health discussing the general ideas of psychotherapy and skills that anyone can use to better themselves. It is more of a convention of like minds than public forum, and is a surprisingly comfortable environment once you settle-in.

Settling-in and getting comfortable in a group therapy session is much easier than you suspect if you have never been to one. Very quickly you realize that you are all peers and equals in the room (even alongside the therapist), and you all have the same emotions, anxieties, habits, worries, and misconceptions.

Mental health concerns are devastating because they make you feel like you are broken/wrong and you are the only one. Group therapy helps you to see that you are struggling with the exact same concerns as the silent majority of us.

Group therapy also helps you to get therapy sessions at a much cheaper and more affordable price — as you are sharing the therapist’s time with the other guests of the private group.

AZRI - Event - Online DBT Group 3

Group Therapy Options in Arizona

At AZRI, we consistently offer group therapies to our guests, as they are a wonderful form of psychotherapy. We invite all to view our upcoming group therapies available, or to start a consultation and mention your interest in group therapy options.

Group Therapy at AZRI >>

Get a Free Consultation To Learn About More Types of Therapy Options Available

There are too many different unique forms of psychotherapy for us to list them all, and they all offer so much… We implore everyone to learn more about the different types of psychotherapy and to start with your FREE Consultation from AZRI. We can give you more information about available therapy types or give recommendations based off your initial assessment.

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