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How Therapists Provide Relationship Help For Men

Dating, forming relationships, maintaining relationships, and growing relationships has never been easy for men and women throughout history, but in 2024 it has become much more complex. At its core, love and relationships remain the same as they were 2500+ years ago, but our lives have become more complex and those complexities affect our emotions and relationships more than we realize.
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How Therapists Provide Relationship Help For Men


Dating, forming relationships, maintaining relationships, and growing relationships has never been easy for men and women throughout history, but in 2024 it has become much more complex. At its core, love and relationships remain the same as they were 2500+ years ago, but our lives have become more complex and those complexities affect our emotions and relationships more than we realize.

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How Men’s Relationship Therapy Can Help With Dating

Dating and trying to find the perfect soulmate that matches you takes time and patience. Those who are not naturally patient people can find themselves getting impatient during the dating process. Impatience and frustration only worsen your mood and overall mental health, and will not help in the dating process… so it is very helpful to have the help of a therapist to release your mental frustrations and keep your cool.

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Dating Post-Covid

Dating in 2024 is very difficult for both men and women, but men certainly have unique dating challenges that they are facing in modern times. Peoples’ mentalities are still shifted even 4 years after COVID lockdowns. There are a lot of men and women who are still avoiding public gatherings, keeping their shopping and public activities to a minimum, and strangers keep to themselves more than before. This all makes meeting new people and starting new relationships difficult.

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Online Dating Post-Covid

Even online dating has suffered in post-covid times, with users of online dating sites and apps complaining of the quality the experiences. Dating apps have gotten worse recently, lament many users. Many frustrated dating apps users now lament that many of the men and women they match-with seem to be fake, bots, spam, scams, or just a little bit creepy.

“Even if you match with someone who IS real,” say users, “getting a conversation going or getting someone to respond is so difficult.” Men and women are both less trusting right now in strangers, so the entire model of dating apps seems to be suffering due to this, with users hesitant to engage in conversations.

How Hookup Apps Webcams and Increased Sexual Promiscuity Have Changed Dating For Men - Arizona Relationship Institute - AZRI

How Hookup Apps, Webcams, and Increased Sexual Promiscuity Have Changed Dating For Men

More women and men are now having casual sex, hookups, and flings than 30 years ago, and technology is a big reason why.  Hookup apps make it very easy to have quick, easy, meaningless casual sex — if that is what you are looking for. While this freedom may sound great at first, for both men and women, it can actually hurt us.

Many do not want to seek meaningful relationships now, because it is so easy to simply hook-up and have casual sex and move on. This causes a butterfly effect across society that completely throws-off the natural process of sexual attraction, coupling, mating, bonding, forming relationships, and finding unconditional and life-long love.

Webcams and “virtual sex” have also cheapened the experience of sex for many, and have fueled an unhealthy rise in sex addiction and pornography addiction. Many men and women have found it hard to connect in meaningful relationships after pushing their own sexualities to the limits.

Our own sexual over-promiscuity is to blame… Instead of looking at sex as getting a “quick fix” — we instead need to “play the game” and do the dance between 2 individuals. We need the flirting and the sexual tension to build. We need the awkward “getting to know you phases,” and we need the embarrassing moments too.

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Getting Over Being Hurt In Dating

We are our own worst enemies sometimes — especially when it comes to our minds.  We can be over-critical of ourselves with sex, and our own sexual prowess. Self esteem issues can carry-over into our sex lives or even prevent us from from being able to connect and have intimate, sexual relationships. PTSD and sexual trauma also can effect our dating lives, unless we learn to control our fears and anxieties. Relationships Therapists do just this.

If you feel that you are the one that is getting in the way in your relationships, it is important for you to get over the issues so that nature can take its course and you can connect and build new relationships — intimate or platonic. Therapists help with this.

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Dating Advice For Men

Men — regardless of sexual orientation or sexual identity — all men need dating advice and help. There are some things that men are naturally good at, but seeing our faults, working on them, connecting with others emotionally, and building strong emotional relationships are not our strongest of natural talents. As men,  we don’t really change ourselves unless we are given an example to follow, or told to change.

A therapist gives the example and opens men’s eyes to how others think-of and see you — both on the outside and emotionally. This eye-opening experience helps us to see ourselves from the outside as well, and we are given the motivation to “transmutate” ourselves into the better person we want to be.

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Men Generally Need Therapy From Time to Time

Men can benefit from therapy not just for relationship advice, but in general to help organize their thoughts and emotions. Especially in times of great stress, or when we get caught-up in hectic and busy schedules.

Talk therapy simply gets everything “off your chest” and out of your mind. Simply telling another person the story of your troubles help you to “Debrief” yourself and bring closure to the stressors of your life. We need this from time to  time or else we will explode under the pressure of it all building-up. We can’t be good at anything under that pressure – and our relationships also suffer when we suffer.

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Arizona’s Top Relationship Therapists

The Arizona Relationship Institute (AZRI) has the top therapists specializing in the bonds and connections that form relationships. Our men’s therapists are from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and practices, and offer a number of specialized focuses.

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